Friday, January 30, 2009

Fueling the Fire

I know I promised more excerpts from Dead in the Family, but I thought it was important to share a breaking news article with you, which you can click HERE.

"Zombies! Run for your lives!"? Bad enough. "Nazi zombies", much, much worse.

We have friends in Austin. The message for them should be "Zombies, run for your lives!", as this attempt to further demonize us will no doubt lead to even more anti-zombie violence in Texas. Notice how the article talks about the crime of vandalizing the road sign, but makes no mention of the message being an anti-zombie hate crime? That's because--guess what--there's no such thing as a hate crime against zombies!

I received an email stating that there was a white van parked about a half mile down from the road sign, but I have no way of verifying whether or not that story is true.


Yazzeh said...

That's uncalled for =[

Becca the Rainbow Monster said...

Oh what B.S.!
I heard about this yesterday from a post-death elitist friend.
And the quote under the picture? 'Prankster'?
So, Are skin heads or KKK just a bunch of jokers then?
Tommy, do you have any sources or ways to find the post-death numbers?
With zombism happening more and more, I belive the next study should be of the percentage of teens that reanimate.
If it's as high as 60% (or is increasing over time), that means within a small amount of time there could be enough timless-teens to creat a minority.

Kelly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kelly said...

this is AWEFUL!!!! OMG!!! i took the poll that asked if it was funny (of course, i said no) and over 80% of people said it was!!! and i was like, this is aweful, not funny!!!

Yazzeh said...

Is it just me or are white vans popping up all over the place nowadays? Probably just me being paranoid...

Krystal said...

That's terrible! First of all, it's vandalism and second it's exploitation. Either way, it's completely unacceptable.

As for the white van...
If it was truly there, I'm sure it was silently protecting the differently biotic children in the area.
I'm still not convinced they are the bad guys :)

Paris said...

I'm not really sure how to feel about it.
First, I want to laugh. I am one of the lucky people to know that zombies are not evil, and they do not want to eat our brains (unless, of course, that's what you WANT us to think...) so I want to laugh at how off they are.
But then, it's also so very rude of them to say that about zombies. They could be a couple of zombie haters, trying to scare everyone.
And then I think, what if they were just typical pranksters, and not thinking through what they did. They could just be trying to get people to laugh (although, they chose a bad subject)
So... I don't know what to make of it quite yet.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Nazi zombies, I just baught Call of duty 5 and guess what they had in it... A Nazi Zombie level! It scared the crap out of me. They had yellow glowing eyes and they were all...gross...
I wish they had normal zombie kids in the game but they judge too quickly. :[ I will get a blogger account soon, Look for me!

Ask kevin if he would go to the first watchmen showing in march with me!

Unheard Of said...

you know there's a poll right below it.
84% of viewers thought it was funny.
what a load of bullspit.
"nazi zombies"
like people in texas are worried about nazis.

lzz said...

That is not funny, that is just rude! If somebody put "People in the area, run!" that would also not be funny, just stupid!

But How rude!

Bianca Wilde said...

... it'd be funny if it wasn't so mean...
sorry Tommy...

Stuck_in_the_world_of_the_Living said...

So ok, The fact that someone hacked the traffic sign is kind of funny, but the material they changed it to is not funny at all. I'm sure the men in the white van did this to cause more problems for the DBs in Texas. Let's just be thankful for the fact that people are calling it a joke and not taking it seriously enough to act out against the DBs in that area.

P.S. Way to be on top of things Tommy. I was coming here today to alert you and yet you had it up yesterday.

Anonymous said...

That's absolutely ridiculous! How can people be so ignorant not to see the zombie hate that's going on???? UGH, i can't believe it. Well actually i can.

RSoxy said...

thats rude! And the fact that it wasn't charged as a hate crime is evern worse!! This world is really going down hill

KaY_LuVs_WrItInG said...

Did you vote in the poll??? I did and voted no, the prank was not funny and the stats that came up was that 82% of the voters thought it was FUNNY. This is a seriously sick prank, and the fact that they brought up one the darkest times in Earth history makes it worse. Do you ever think this would be easier if it had happened in the 24th century when we have Starfleet and no predjudice (almost none anyway). I seriously wish it had, so that we wouldn't have to be dealing with this! Okay I'm rambling so I'll go ahead and shut up now!!! ttyl

RealisElastic said...

Thats insane. I blogged about it too. I think it was rude.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thats just plain evil.


TentenShunai said...

Come on, it should have said, Living Impaired people uphead, be nice and make friends. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Honestly, when I first heard that, I wanted to laugh almost. It's just so ridiculous, and stupid, that it almost made it funny at first.
Yet, of course, it is not. I was never really 'scared' of DB kids, because they just didn't seem scary. I don't think anyone has a reason to run from them, and you certainly aren't Nazi's! If anyone is, it's the people committing the hate-crimes.
It's something that we need to fix, DB kids and those who support them are growing. Maybe, soon, we can actually get these paid attention to as a crime.
We can only hope.

Girl86 said...

Hey, if neo-Nazis are coming back from their first death and the hackers saw a group of them, then you can't just say that the adjective was used only to insult DBs. Remember, when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me. While you pointed out that there's no such thing as a hate-crime against zombies, the reaction to the sign also points out that there's no such thing as a hate-crime against neo-Nazis. Now, admittedly, their overall public image isn't pretty as it s centered around hating those who are different from them, but don't you think that TB neo-Nazis are insulted by being associated with the public image of DBs? Like I've told you before, stop whining and make more of an effort to band together and change public perception (where's the DB boy who dared to play football? is he still in you or did he get squashed by your "us vs. them" tunnel vision?). If I were you, I'd be more worried about stuff like Fido (saw a trailer for it on a dvd last night, Focus on things you can change, rather than things you can't. Oh, and stop feeding your conspiracy theory of the white vans and the government or you may risk losing credibility among the other DB youth, Paranoia Boy.

Mercy Anna said...

I just finished this book. But I am so confused about this site...

Werewolf Moon said...

That's absolutely rude. People have no respect for "mythicals" or whatever humans call creatures that used to be pretend.

Hey guys please check out my blog.

Werewolf Moon

Anonymous said...

well,i can see that it was a joke.uhhh...i also noticed that your not talking about phoebe hasnt been mentioned for awhile.where is she?

Taylin said...

wow people are just getting more and more pathetic

Becca the Rainbow Monster said...

On Girl86's comment, I wanted to say that I agree with a lot of her views. We can't change the past, but we can change the future.
As for being worried about Fido, I think the film came out semi-simultaneously with the first reanimated teen. So it’s not really anti-zombie or anything. If you think about it, back then we didn’t know too much about post-death kids (Because it was so very new). This film, be it comedic, sort of has a ‘zombies + living is okay’ theme, even though the ones portrayed in it were flesh eating. I want to say it’s the thought that counts, but I know that Fido can and will still be offensive to some.

Tommy Williams said...

K Luv's Writing-

I did not vote in the poll.


Tommy Williams said...


I've never met a Nazi zombie. I don't think they exist.

I haven't seen Fido, either.

As far as feeding "my" conspiracy theory, there have certainly been enough reports from posters on this board to make me think there is a legitimate concern. Maybe it is coincidence and not conspiracy that a white vehicle seems to be involved with so many zombie abductions, but better safe than sorry, no?

And I'm sorry if I appear "whining"--I thought that I was "reporting".


Anonymous said...

I almost couldn't believe that someone would actually do that...until i saw the story for myself on MSN.COM. I was so surprised at that! I was like freaking out because it's so scary that people are actually doing that. There was one that involved Raptors and Zombies and it's just like WOW. I can't believe people anymore. I just wanted to tell you I saw the story too! That's crazy stuff.

``Werewolf MOON``

Anonymous said...


Wow...Rude much? I'm sorry but that's just bad taste that you're being so rude to the DBs and such. DOn't they get enough harrasment?

lzz said...

That aired on my TV this morning. They said there would be an investigation on who did it. Though it was uncalled for when the weather man said "well, there are no zombies here" after it had aired.

And the anchor woman said "Well, there must be zombies here, since we were incorrect in our original say that..." a few minutes later.

Tommy Williams said...

Werewolf Moon--

Did the report you saw have any interviews with zombies? Didn't think so.


So she was blaming zombies for her station's incompetence? Interesting.


xscreenagerx said...

who ever did that is the sickest person ive ever heard of.

Werewolf Moon said...

No they didn't. I wish they had though. They said that drivers were amused and officials are annoyed. ANNOYED? AMUSED? WHAT? People shouldn't be annoyed and amused they should be concerned about the DB hate that's active every where. The "Prank" as they called it, was pulled in more than one state. They are investigating but i don't think they have any idea what jerks did that. It's crazy, what's wrong with the world anymore????

Yazzeh said...

another article about hacking into road signs, thought I'd let you know incase you haven't seen this one =[

the living don't seem to realise the consequences of their actions. Or they do, but don't care.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm a little late on commenting, but I checked out the article(I did a current event paper on it back in Jan. from a different source) and under your source it said which is your favorite horror monster and zombie was one of the choices!!!! I put vampires but I still think you should know (and of course you already do) that they think zombies are horror monsters!

The skin of a monster said...

thats so unfair.

ill have to keep an eye out for these vans. that was totally uncalled for.

CatTheLight said...

isn't there some website, like sketchy white or something that has a whole conspirisy about white vans? Sorry for the horrible spelling! traveling down to see my grandparents, i have noticed a lot of white vans in cinetticut, and massachusetts. . .scary, watch back, no joke

soccrfrek1 said...

I Agree With Yazzie That Was Really Uncalled For :-( I Mean Who Would Do That?!?!?!:-C

Anonymous said...

im from texas and i love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Dear Tommy,
Today I was driving to school and a unmarked van passed me on the road, it was about 8:44. Then I parked at school and noticed a second white van, very square and unmarked with a short hood, parked in a parking lot near my school. It was empty. Didn't have a chance to look at the driver of the other van. Creepy no?
Laughing But Grave (Serious)

samantha said...

Where i live there has only been a few DB kids. but most of them moved away or just dissapeared When that happenend there was a few unmark white vans here but they all dissapeared to wants the DB kids were gone. That was sooo scary!! Im with u there Tommy i think the white van people are evil!!!

parinormalunknown said...

Well thats different. I'm not sure which way to believe is hurtful?(YES)or is it information for DB's to stay away from the area?(probably)or maybe just some pranksters messing with a sign? Who knows? I'm either going with the first or second. well bye!

ur friend,

OceanEyes said...

This is absolutely disgusting. I think that it is terrible, and that that there was possibly a white van is terrifying. Good luck.

Mikey said...

The link is broken, but I'm going to assume that it was pretty bad.
I hope those people are ashamed of themselves. It's just as bad as calling an African-American a "n*gger". Uncalled for and rude...

Anonymous said...

White Vans? Ohh ohh, now I think I'm getting paranoid, there happens to be a 2 white vans driving down my street. Not good, not good, not good at all. Watch out for those vans Tommy, Pete is up to something and I know it.


P.S.: And the link isn't working by the way.