Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dead in the Family, Part 3

This continues my excerpting a program that ran a few weeks ago on television entitled Dead in the Family, where parents from three families were interviewed about their zombie children.

The following interview was with "Mrs. Smith". I'll warn you that this is perhaps the most shocking and horrifying of the three interviews, so please if you are sensitive or susceptible to nightmares you might want to skip this one and wait for the interview with the Utleys later in the week.

Mrs. Smith is seated on a bright couch with a floral pattern. She is a husky woman with soft features, except for her lips, which are compressed as though she is perpetually holding back something she wants to say. She looks to be in her early fifties, and we are told that Mr. Smith died soon after her only daughter Amber was born. Her hair is short and the lenses of her glasses often reflect the light and hide her eyes from view. She has made tea for herself and the interviewer. Vapor rises from the china pot.

How did you daughter die?

Mrs. Smith: Amber had fallen in with the wrong sort of people. Her death was not an accident.

How, then, did she die?

Mrs. Smith: I prefer not to go into the details. They are both embarrassing and painful for me.

I can understand that. Can you talk about when your daughter returned?

Mrs. Smith: My daughter never returned.

What do you mean?

Mrs. Smith: It was a demon wearing my daughter's flesh.

A demon?

Mrs. Smith: (pouring tea) Yes. Reverend Mathers is quite clear, and correct, on the subject. You are familiar with Reverend Mathers and One Life ministries?


Mrs. Smith: If not, you should read his book And the Graves Gave Up Their Dead. He illustrates the situation in an easily understandable way, even for more, shall we say, secular people.

By demon, do you mean...

Mrs. Smith: My personal belief is that my daughter let the demon inside of her heart when she was still alive. When she died, it was already there. The Reverend writes that the climate of the times is such that even the righteous may have their bodies usurped, but I am not so sure. I am beginning to think that all of the things that you call zombies were teens who allowed demons inside of them while they were still alive. (Smiles) You haven't touched your tea!

What...what did you do when you saw your...when you saw the demon?

Mrs. Smith: Did you see my gardens outside?

Excuse me?

Mrs. Smith: Please tell me saw my gardens! I spend so much time on them. The flowers along the walkway. I know your cameraman saw them; he was very careful when I asked him to mind my flowers.

I saw them. they are very nice. (Pauses) When the demon...

Mrs. Smith: Sometimes the blossoms on the flowers fade and die. I'm very careful to attend to my flowers when the blossoms die, because if left unattended the flowers would begin self-seeding. And they look terrible! I have garden snips that I sometimes use for deadheading. That's what you call it when you remove a spent blossom. "Deadheading." Sometimes I don't use the snips. I often just pinch the dead blooms between my thumb and forefinger. My hands are quite strong, you know, from all the years of gardening. When Paul died I really threw myself into my gardening. But sometimes I work with plants where my hands or the snips are not sufficient. I have many tools in my little shed. Did you see it? Gardening shears, an electric hedge trimmer. A spade and a trowel for digging out stubborn roots.

(sips tea)

Gardening has been such a comfort to me. I think it says a lot about a person, how they maintain their garden.

Are you...are you saying...

Mrs. Smith: Your tea is getting cold. (Pauses). I think that this interview is over, don't you?


Yazzeh said...

You're right. It is shcoking and horrifying.
A demon??
That's one of the worst insults I've heard yet, most people I know are understanding..
About her daughter aswell. Poor girl.
I wish people could be understanding instead of discriminating against people who are different. There was a talk about that topic in school today.
Racism, genocide, homophobia etc. If anything, some of the living are demons. Not us.

Just my opinion though


Anonymous said...

what sort of mother...does...that? Who kills...
she's a monster.

Becca the Rainbow Monster said...

I can't believe this. How terrifying. And the daughter, how can there be no remorse for actions against her?
The mother is around my mom's age.
I wonder if my mom could do that to me.
When your own mother curses the earth that you walk on, who do you run to then?
Mothers are supposed to be comfort, and love.
My mom doesn't do that very well.
Who will be there for us now?

lzz said...

What a horrible mom. Her daughter, her only daughter, had come back from the dead... and she says it was a demon? How cruel.

And then she abruptly changes the subject to, of all things, her garden? Her only daughter died, came back, and she is more interested in her garden... that is just sad.

But is she saying she killed her only kid, and buried her in her garden? Yeah, real great mom right there!

Siserin said...

oh JOY it seems to me that this mother, who as everyone else stated here is the demon herself, wants to kill the daughter...."I have many tools in my little shed. Did you see it? Gardening shears, an electric hedge trimmer. A spade and a trowel for digging out stubborn roots."

Siserin said...

seems to me that she wants to kill the "demon"....
if I could say what I could I would...but that is WRONG......

Anonymous said...

Yikes, this lady has a severe case of repression. I guess the shock she had when she lost her daughter causes her to have so much hate for her return. Still gives her no right to call zombies "demons" >_>
Btw, Hi Tommy! I'm Kevin =D
I'm a beating heart, but I feel like I share a bond with you, Phoebe, Adam, Karen and the rest of the gang.

Stuck_in_the_world_of_the_Living said...

OMG! That is horrible. For one thing to call her duaghter a demon. Then to insinuate that she killed her with one of her gardening tools....OMG!

I really am shocked by how some people act.

I apologize for all living everywhere that some of us can be so..so.. predjudice.


#1 Hitsugaya fan said...

I only have one question.
Why did she kill her own daughter?

Werewolf Moon said...

Oh...my...gosh! How...what? A DEMON??? I think this physcotic woman (a) should be put in the asylum and (b) needs to rethink who the "demon" in that family is and it sure isn't her daughter. Oh my gosh, that so friggin' scary! A demon?! Man, now i feel all creeped out. I didn't think humans could get ANY worse, but "Mrs. Smith" Just made the top of the charts. UGH> what a monster.

``Werewolf MOON``

Anonymous said...

oh my god.

and she said her daughter was the demon...

it's dispicable.

Paris said...

So, if you are really demons and such, then why is the human race still alive?
I feel bad for all of the parents who have driven their zombie teens away. They have all been brainwashed by this 'Reverend' . He's doing more bad than good if you ask me.

Note to Werewolf Moon:
I totally understand where you are coming from, but I found it a bit offensive when you said 'I didn't think humans could get ANY worse...' I'm sure you didn't mean any harm, but it seems like you're bunching us all together. It's almost like how zombie-haters group zombies together and say that they are all 'evil' and 'demons'. Not all humans are bad, just look at this group right here.

Thanks for keeping us posted, Tommy!

Evernight87 said...


leaves me speechless really...

this kinda reminds me of what happend to my family when i was little. my cousin tracy killed her daughter,amber, because she had "demons" in her. Amber was only 2... but she never came back... Tracy ended up going to prison, where she later killed her self. her mind just on day snapped. she worked with the criminally insane, sad really...

Krystal said...

Does this mean...?

I'm astounded.

edwardandtommylover said...

so is she hinting she killed her daughter with gardening tools?? i am blond so i am slow sometimes and i don't get it

Unheard Of said...

holy.......shit......I can't even type.

I may be wrong, but something is hinting to me that the fact that the girl was dead in the first place has something to do with the mother.

Sugar Loving Otaku said...

shoking. I just... just don't know what to say.

Anonymous said...

... i a demon.. that she let in her body? wtf.. some people. You kno, this makes me sick, a lady at my mother's job (she's an OBGYN nurse)keeps getting pregnant and miscarrying, she can't have a child and this lady KILLS HER DAUGHTER!!!!

Tommy Williams said...

Izz, Crystal, animeface, EdwardandTommylover--

That's how I read it.


Tommy Williams said...


I'm so sorry. That is such a sad story.


Tommy Williams said...

#1 Hitsugaya fan-

Because she's crazy, I guess. It sounds like she really bought into her daughter being a demon.


TentenShunai said...

Really? Really? Just because your daughter is living impaired that makes her a zombie? Gaaah if I was watching this I would have thrown something at my brand new tv and broken it. I'm not lying but my eyes started watering when I read that. I feel sorry for her. So umm I have a question, did she kill and use her daughter in the garden? That's my understanding and that makes me uspet. Really? How could she?

P.S. Tommy, theres been a white van that drives by me everyday while I'm waiting at school. Do you think they know I support the living impaired people?

Werewolf Moon said...

Note To Paris:
I didn't mean to offend anyone. Honestly. I realize that how i said it was completely out of context of what i was actually trying to say. I wasn't bunching humans together, i just...how do i explain?...um, I had an image of how bad the worst of the human race could get...and the worst got worse. I think that makes more sense. SORRY everyone i didn't mean to offend you. I just get frustrated easily.


Vegasaurus said...


Is she TRYING to make it sound as though she killed her daughter? Is that what her reverend told her to do?! Really?! Just because you fall into the "wrong group of kids" doesn't mean you let a demon take place in your heart, and even if she wanted to use that as a figure of speech doesn't EVERYONE have inner demons? Especially that woman, and you can tell. "Her Death wasn't an accident" Yeah, guess what, Neither was mine, and normally its because we don't like the situations we're in and when we come back and come home to someone who attacks us with gardening tools it makes us feel as though we weren't ever wanted in the first place, someone who thinks we're some demonic creature from hell. It makes us wish we would have stayed burried, but unfortunately we didn't and they're going to have to deal.

l!zz.(: said...

a demon? this woman is horrible and she probably never loved her child. this is just horrific. i feel bad for this girl. her mother is two-faced.

Anonymous said...

This is... disgusting.

What kind of person would... no, i can't.

maybe they need to get her some meds....


yeah, monster.

Unknown said...

Oh gosh. I sort-of understood. Not agreed with, but understood the first interview. This one is just... ugh. She almost sounds... insane... or something. She sounds very disturbing, like she could do this to anyone for any reason, you know?

Anonymous said...

That part may give me nightmares. Honestly, I've worried about DB kids being reterminated...
But I never actually thought their own parents would kill! And with gardening tools, no less.
Calling her own daughter a demon just isn't right. People who call their children demons and then kill them, again, are the only thing close to demons that I can see.
I wouldn't be all that surprised if her mother was the one that killed her the first time.... She did refuse to talk about it...
Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Even still....


Bianca Wilde said...

Well if that doesn't make one shudder uncontrollably...


I cannot stifle the question, forgive me; Tommy, can you shudder?

love to the third power,

ps. sorry >.<

Anonymous said...

i think shes a bit messed up in the head, for thinking that 'demons' are iside the undead.... and for listening to that pastor....

Tommy Williams said...


Only on the inside.


Tommy Williams said...

Tenten Shunai--

I wouldn't panic. Remember my story about getting all paranoid about something that turned out to be a FedEx truck? Then again, don't take chances. Never stand alone if you can help it. Be safe.


Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I speak for everyone when I say that the true demon is the mother herself.
I find it truly amazing (in a bad way) as to what lengths people would go over these kinds of things.

Thanks for keeping us posted, Tommy =)


tiamat100 said...

That is awful! The mother killed her duaghter because she fell into teh wrong crowd? 9Thats the only reason which i seem to be getting from this). IN that case, anyone who ever makes a mistake in their life is a demon and deserves to die. Thats obviously what this person thinks. Or does it only apply to those who have already died, in her sick and crazy mind?
There is a demon in her faimly, but it is not her daughter.

Anonymous said...

ummm, i don't want to sound like a baby, but i am extremely prone to nightmares and loss of sleep from scary movies and things, so when u warned of the fact that this post was scary, i was a little worried, but i read it anyways, and now i'm frieking scared. i'm probably going to have nightmares of my mom chopping my head off with an electric hedgetrimmer (whatever that is?) for the next month. please Tommy, or ANYONE! i need advice on keeping away the nightmares! i am literally begging. this is for my health and my mom's, because if i come home to find her gardening, and i run into the house screaming, "please don't kill me!" shes probably going to be scared. please! help me! and please say hi to Tak for me! he sounds nice.
<3 Tara

Somebody@ur-door said...

holy heaven n earth....she killed her??? dude, that is messed up...even if ur kid is dead how can u make them stay down permanently??? that is screwed in the head.....n u guys rnt doing anything about them getting killed??? that's even worse, knowing u can do something but not do it

edwardandtommylover said...

i am the same way what i do is watch i good show far from scary funny things are good so when you are about to go to sleep you think about that and have a small light on (i use my cell phone) and just think of the show and the good things that happend to you that day and what you have to do the next day and if you believe in god you could also pray
your friend brooke

Anonymous said...

oh, thank you Brooke! I will definitely try that tonight. have to figure out what's on tonight, but thank you so much! and if anybody else helps, I appreciate it sooo much! have a wonderful day everybody! thanks!
<3 Tara

Tommy Williams said...


I think the best way to deal with things that scare you is to talk about them with people that you trust.

And I'll let Tak know you said hello.


Tommy Williams said...


Thank you. That was excellent advice you sent Tara's way.


xscreenagerx said...

that is absolutely horrible!! what kind of person kills their own daughter? i dont have any kids but someday if that happened to my kid i would support and love them. what 'mrs. smith' did makes me really mad!!

ps. tommy say hi to phoebe, margi, and karen for me(:
pss. i hope youre doing okay tommy!

marie15075 said...

wow,.... poor gurl....
her mother was for sure very confused to do something like that to her daughter... she still the same person...

Tommy Williams said...


I'm great, thanks for asking.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm confused. Is the implication that the Mrs. Smith killed her husband, even, and maybe even her daughter after she came back as a zombie? Or am I just reading way too much into this?
Oh, and by the way, her comments about Reverend Mathers. I think that is a little unfair to group all the relgious people into his viewpoint, that they would all hate zombies. Honestly, I don't think they would. I think a lot of them would understand, like Phoebe and Margi and Adam, that Zombies are not demons at all, but kids who have been given a second chance at life for a greater reason than the rest of us can understand, possibly even to test us to see if we are still going to act prejudice and hate just because someone is different and strange to us, which sadly, we have. Please comment.
Laughing But Grave (Serious)

Unknown said...

Religion is awesome... (sarcasm)

This lady is the demon.

Dana said...

*shudder* Deadheading? Jeez. Keep her hands away from me. God, the floral print and the tea...like something from the Stepford Wives.

CorinyyUndead said...

Wow, that was shocking. Well, it's shocking if she was talking about what I think she was talking about...
I'm glad my mom is very accepting.

CorinyyUndead said...

Wow, that was shocking. Well, it's shocking if she was talking about what I think she was talking about...
I'm glad my mom is very accepting.

So Wrong, Its Right (Not in this case tho...) said...

Sick. Just. Sick. As soon as that... that monster brought up the garden, I knew what she had done. And its sick. I mean seriously! Who DOES that?? This story actually made ME want to cry... (I dont cry often..)And She calls the zombies the demons? She should take a look in the mirror sometime... Its just... sick! (And I feel bad for the repoter and camera man, too... they're the ones who personally has to endure the conversation in person with that beast...)

Mikey said...

Oh, God.
Oh, GOD.
That woman...
God. I don't even know what to say about that.
That's just...

Anonymous said...

....Oh my god. That woman is insane. And she calls her zombie daughter the demon. Holy Mother Mary. And let me just say that I'm egnastic, I'm not religious and....I can't....I just can't believe that a mother.... a mother would do such things to her.....her own daughter. I think I'm going to be sick after reading that. Tommy....is that really what....what was said.....? My Jesus Crist..........no......no.......just no........!
