Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Horde Grows

We now have five hundred people on the Wall.

I'm amazed and humbled. When I first started this blog, I did so really for my own sanity. If it weren't for a few people close to me in Oakvale when I started, I don't know that I would have continued. I had no idea there were that many of us; no idea that people would come once I started writing and posting.

The idea that my words have may have helped give zombies hope, and maybe helped them survive, as well as helping traditionally biotic people understand us a little more and have a little more compassion, truly astonishes me. I'm so grateful for all of you.

Thank you all so much.

But I feel like there's so much more to do, and so many of us out there, lost and without friends...


T said...

Congrats on having 500 followers! :P

Unheard Of said...

there's friends everywhere.
a rare treasure in a sea of ignorance, I call it.

no matter where you go, i refuse to believe that there won't be a wonderful, decent, and trusting person there to help you.

and remember, there's only one person that keeps you from making friends...DUH it's you. (not specifically you tommy, just anyone in general)

Krystal said...

I don't know why, but there's something satisfying about the number 500. Maybe it will bring good luck!

LovelyDemonChar said...

Tommy thats great about your blog. i'm glad to see how it progressed. i would like if u'd check out my memiors blog. its nothing s[ecail just tryin to tell every one.

Bianca Wilde said...

Major Kudos, Tommy, and there is a lot to do still, but be satisfied with what you've done... for today :D

Omikronescence said...

It's awesomehow there's already 500 people...I first came in when there were like 25...Never thought that many would come to a blog site and join

Minx said...

Tommy, if you had never made this blog, i think WE would lose sanity. :)

Thanks so much for making it, we luv u T.!!! X)


Anonymous said...

Wow Tommy, lots of people really love you, hopefully they'll love the Virtual HH as much as they love you! Since the real HH is over in Oakville and I'm over here in Corpus.

In other news...
we are 6 users away from 50, ten times less than you but a step right?

I'm still working on the virtual version of the wall for the virtual version of the HH. So if you want to put the word out to everyone to send pictures of themselves to: differently.biotic(at)yahoo(dot)com that would help me get this together slightly.

Thanks Tommy for your support!

~Raschel - Tak's Girl - Cause even the Dead can LOVE~

Yazzeh said...

not far till 1000! Congrats!

Lita138 said...

That is awesome! Keeping spreading the good word!

Tommy Williams said...

Thanks, everybody. I appreciate it.


Anonymous said...

oh, such a happy entry until the last sentence. Now you've got me all depressed. Oh well... I'd join the horde, but I don't have a blog account! *sigh*

Black_Wolf said...

Yeah it's really amazing soon maybe yo'll have enough for a world takeover haa ^__^ jk jk though if you did I'd help Tommy we all gotta stick together don't we oh how is everyone at the HH Tommy tell everyone I, Black Wolf, say hi especially Tak, HI TAK! LOL
-Black Wolf-

Paris said...

WooHoo!! Zombie-Horde Power!!

The Book Girl said...

Congrats on reaching 500! You really deserve it. This blog of yours is amazing! Which is why I nominated you for an award over at my page. Do with it what you will :-)

Taylin said...

And thank you for using your amazing talent (to write) to entertain me as well as many other people and give us constant updates on your life.
it means a lot!

Frod said...

woo! 500 is a good number

Jen-nay said...

You're amazing Tommy! I'm am so proud of all of your help towards differently and traditionally biotic people!

<3 Jen

Renesmee said...

hey Tommy,

what up with you today? I have to go with Pipster there is friends everywhere and EVERYONE deserves one. I refuse to believe that there isn't at least one person in your life that doesn't want you to succeed in anything(except probably those who don't like the undead, of course.) Well I have to go do some work for school. Remember Tommy everyone is here for you. Right guys?

if you don't know what ttyl means it means Talk To You Later

TentenShunai said...

Wow, congratulations. We're doing it because you tell the real news

Tommy Williams said...


I hear you, and sorry if I come across as cynical sometimes--I'm really not. I actually have a very bright outlook on the future; it's why I do what I do.

But I'm also a realist, and we zombies have harsh realities to face. I think we can overcome anything, but I'm not going to sugar-coat anything, either.

Anyway, just wanted to explain myself, anyhow. I really appreciate you guys keeping me honest and on track. Thanks.


Tommy Williams said...

The Book Girl--

Thanks for the nomination; much obliged.


jakie said...

wow thats a lot on the wall tommy

Anonymous said...

500 people, yahoo! But Tommy about the doing more....don't over work your self, please. Us followers are happy as it is. Just saying, but I guess we could make the world a better place for all of zombie kind. But please take care of your self for us, and watch out for the white vans.


Anonymous said...

Wow, lots and lots of people, its kinda scary. Well then again I have paranoid friends who fear a zombie upriseing, but I think you guys are totaly cool. Hopefuly I get a hall pass though, just kidding.


Anonymous said...

Wow, lots of zombies and trads alike. Awsome! The horde will grow even more, or thats what i think.

Anonymous said...

The horde has grown, yeah. This is great new, I hope more will join us in owr quest.
