Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thinking Out Loud

I'm thinking that this might be a good time for a change...


Minx said...

How cum? Whatz the matter? Did somone stick a tack in u again??! Give me their address, I'll take care of this. >:)


Tara said...

What's up, Tommy? Nothing is wrong with you or anyone at the HH is there? Whenever someone says something like that I always get paranoid, so please just tell us whats going on. Well, either way, I hope you know what you're doing.
<3 Tara

Raschel said...

What kind of change were you thinking about?

Evernight87 said...

change is always good, what kind of change are you thinking about?

Paris said...

I think this is a good time for change for everyone. Alot of people I know are going through changes, big and small. Me? I just redid my blog layout :D

Anonymous said...

OH no! Please don't go Obama on us Tommmy!!

l!zz.(: said...

tommy, what's the problema? or is the title self-explanatory? i agree with minx and tara. good luck on whatever you're doing. by the way, how's adam?

Anonymous said...

What kind of change could you need? As far as I knew, everything was going okay...

Ana de Regil said...

Hey Tommy!
I´ve got another question, have you seen a "Living Impaired" movie after you...humm...died?Or before?
What do you think about them?
I mean...Do you hate that people make that movies?Or you just laugh at them?

Always you ยบ1 fan...
Anna, your only fan in Mexico.

Greetings from Mexico.

edwardandtommylover said...

what do you mean change??

Unheard Of said...


Sonakaru said...

Oh, and by the way, a roverinski is a very.... energetic hamster. They are constantly in motion, almost impossible to pick up if you want to hold them, but are very adorable and soft. They also enjoy running in their wheels very quickly then gripping onto them so they spin 'round and 'round.

Krystal said...


Based on the lack of info...I'm a bit worried.

DairyArachnid said...

Change because it's April Fools or change because the new book is coming out shortly?

Bianca Wilde said...

Like... haircut change or way in the way society thinks change???
Or BOTH?!?
I recommend Master Cuts and some kind for rally... I'll make costumes! It worked with the whole warrior princess theme when women wanted the vote.... YEAH!
I'll have to make fake blood, but i think I have a plan...
-Bee! <3
ps. (JK and no offense about the fake blood part! <333)

Anonymous said...

what kind of change????

ashley said...

hey tommy
(i just recently joined and love u and the others)
but anyways wats up?
wat do u mean exactly by "change"?

ashley said...

hey tommy
(i just joined and i love u and the others)
anyways wats up?
what do u mean exactly by "change"?

Anonymous said...

Heck yeah!

[Ryan] said...

WOW. is it a really big change or somethining like dressing differently?

Anonymous said...

why do you want to...change??

lucky4193 said...

also thinking out loud...am i doing this right?

follow_the_white_rabbit said...

when is a "time for change"?

Anonymous said...

I change things around all the time. Like this year I'm going preepy (the real me) instead of punk (the fake me). But please don't change your website, I love it the way it is. But then again...it is your blog...! Change is good, but too much of a good thing can be horriable. Think about it.
