Thursday, October 2, 2008

History Test

The final results:

Tommy: 97
Phoebe: 97
Thorny: 91

Margi and Thorny have to split the on the milkshake bill and on my comic book. Thorny lost most of his points on the multiple choice questions, Margi got all of those but got marked off for her essay.

Thorny asked me if I wanted to go double or nothing on the quiz we have coming up: not above trash talking, I told him he might as well buy me a subscription now and end the suspense.


Minx said...

yeah! u all rocked on the test. what are u studying in history??

Taylin said...

hahahaha i figured that Tommy would be the one getting the comic book!! you always do sooo well. margi should buy the milkshakes since Thorny is spending all his money on your subscription. im sorry Thorny, but you are an idiot!! how could you think that you'd be able to beat Tommy?? haha just kidding Thorny =]

Anonymous said...

wow i knew youd do well good job!~

Anonymous said...

Yaaaaay! Congrats Tommy!!!

~*SWEET~BLOOD*~ said...

yeah you all bomberamerous. you are really good in history. i am also good in that subject...if i do say soo myself:)

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha it. Just buy him the subscription, Thorny


Anonymous said...

YEAH! You all did amazing on the test...knew you would. Poor Margie and Thorny, lol. Comic books all the way, you should double or nothing it doubt you'd win.

~Nightly Panic

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, I just knew that would happen! You got an A and now a free subscription! Life is know what I mean.
Love to everyone at the Haunted House!
ps. How is everyone at the Haunted House?

Krystal said...

see? obviously Gamera only wanted to help you study that much harder! i knew cats weren't evil!!

those essay questions get me every time too...
what ever happened to true/false?

Anonymous said...

Awesome job. I hate essays. I very much prefer mulitple choice.
Oh, and upcoming test! Or quiz. This should be good, right? I sure hope so.
Congrats on your grades, honest.

Random time for moi. I'm getting real caught up in supernatural stuff. First it was ghosts, then zombies, faeries, and demons! I'm becoming a lot more morbid which I'm not sure is formidable. Not that I really care if I zex people.
Thanks for the update Tommy!


Anonymous said...

I bet I could have scored the perfect grade! ^^ Just kidding, or maybe not. History isn't my best subject, never was. But I still try to maintain my wonderful GPA.
Lol, Thorny cracks me up. Humor is oh so delcious.
*tries not to blanch* I'm taking the PSAT stuff at the moment. That stuff and worrying about tests that are coming up.

~DrEa RoX <3

Anonymous said...

Hey guys thats awsome I mad A sciense test today and I got 99% my friend got 44% she has to retake the test if I study for tests I fail if I don't study I usually get more then 85% and I totally new you woulld get your batmann comic book!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

o, guess what? I have a history test tomorrow! Hope I get a 97 on mine...time to study

Anonymous said...

Sweet deal. He'd probably save money if he just went ahead with a subscription, anyways.

I'm between schools at the moment myself, but I can sympathise with Thorny. Multiple choice can be tricky little buggars.

-Melia Sabine

co - co said...

nice score

co - co said...

hi check out my blog it's awsome!!

Anonymous said...

Nice job Tommy. :D
Ha, lucky you. Good luck on your next quiz. :x

in confidence. said...

way to flaunt your smartitude!

Anonymous said...

great job Tommy!Phoebe too!!Thats funny that Margi and Thorny got da same grade!!!!

oOMermaidBubblesOo said...

*sigh* im still busted for my history grade (d-) im working on bringing it up but my teacher wants me to switch to an easier class witch would skrew my sked. to least ur still doing well tommy! ill try to follow ur example but the american revolution is soooo boring

Anonymous said...

Woo! I suck at history LOL

When will you start up those zombie bios things tht u did with 'smiley'(i forget his real name) and other zombies

i forget what they're called

Xxheartbrokn said...

congrats tommy!! hope you ace ur next test! XD good luck or as i normally say, Gokouun o inorimasu. (Aka: good luck) don't believe me? loop it up on google.

vanessa said...

congrats tommy and everybody else ya did a great job. Good luck on your next quiz

Anonymous said...

Go Tommy! I hope Thorny gets you that supscription so he won't have to buy you a comic book every time you beat him on tests. It'll save him money!
PS: What's it like to be dead?

Anonymous said...

Wow, Jen,
That was sorta an abrupt question...and a little personal.

~Werewolf Moon

Anonymous said...

Oh how wonderful! Im so happy for you! Thats gr8! Have you ever noticed how the boys in comic books look so much hotter than the boys in real life? And the girls they are soo much prettier than real girls! = ) I think Im failing history hee hee! I swear my teacher has it out for me hee hee kidding! Naw He is super cool! But my P.E. teacher wants me to fall because of my disabillity! Hmm never any peace ever notice that? any way live a good life kk?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

your all lucky that you dont have to be at a party with a bunch of posers and losers who think thier better than u because their cheerleaders who've dyed thier hair so many times they don't noe their natural color anymore

Anonymous said...

Wow, You all get great grades. I get B's at best. I just got a letter home saying im in danger of failing! >;o Congrats though, hope the comic book is goo readin'.


Jennifer said...

yall have got better grades then me and most of my friends.... give us some pointers!!!

outcast of THIS plastic Society said...

wow not bad:]

soccrfrek1 said...

HAHHAHAHAH that's hilarious

EmmBearr said...

haha wow *hi five tommy and phobe* LOL im sry thorny but i hope u save up ur money cuz i heard that those subscriptions r pretty expensive =]

xoxo Emily

Anonymous said...

Ouch, sorry Thorny. But at least you get you get to split the price with Margi. And Tommy, I hope you enjoy your comic, though I'm more of a New Mutant fan. And hope Thony, Margi, and Pheebe enjoy their milkshakes! Love y'all.


KaitlynDoud said...

I hope you all can have your grades all up At Pioneer High School is tuff. Keep up the good work and keep up on the grades too!!!!!