Thursday, May 22, 2008

I Don't Miss Mosquitoes

Or colds, stubbed toes, shaving, or having to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

How about you? What don't you/wouldn't you miss?


dancing_girl_28843 said...

One of my really good friends is DB and she's always talking about how much she misses ice cream but hates the brain freeze.
And I used to have this pet rat who loves everyone except my DB friend. He like wishes she'd die, I bet. She's so mad because all the animals used to love her, but now...

Avelle said...

my DB friend, also dancing_girl's DB bff, Michelle, hated mosquito bites TONS!!!
but then again...who doesnt?

Anonymous said...

sleeping do u realize how much time we waste sleeping? half of our lives! more for the lazy bums who take long naps during the day(including me)

Anonymous said...

zits seriously, will anybody besides the dermatologists miss those?

Anonymous said...

i wouldent miss being sore a=after ballet everyday.

Anonymous said...

Imagine livimg in Florida... mosquitos everywhere! they r so annoying


oOMermaidBubblesOo said...

i would miss sleeping as well
not because im lazy but because i like to dream...

Anonymous said...

Well you know me...and you know that I'd miss a whole lotta stuff--but most of all i'd miss the milkshakes at the Honeybee Dairy-----yummmmmmm. ;D

-phoebe <3

Anonymous said...

I would not miss sleep because if my clook did not go off it would not make me late i would not miss my brother beating on me all the time he could do it all he wants ^.^

Anonymous said...

I would not miss zits at all or do you still get zits?

Jamie said...

I don't think I'd miss sleep. I have trouble going to bed at night and during the day, because I don't want to "waste" my free time, and then my brain doesn't want to shut off within an hour or two if not longer, and basically I end up exhausted all the time. I also wouldn't miss sweating, 'cause I hate to sweat.

I'd definitely miss food in general, though. Especially the foods my family makes, a lot of homemade or partly-homemade stuff, like pasta with a sauce made entirely of melted margarine, garlic salt and curry powder. It's very tasty, and I would so miss that. I'm told most DB kids' stomachs don't even function anymore, let alone their taste buds. :( So sad; food is such a simple pleasure.

It also seems that animals a lot of the time don't take well to DB kids, which means my cats would probably freak out on me. I love my cats, particularly The Ninja Monkeycat (she likes to sneak up on people and climb the furniture like a monkey) so that would be really disappointing, I think.


Anonymous said...

im obvi not DB, but i would so miss chocolate and like food in general! i sound like a fatty right now but it would suck not to be able to have any comfort food when ur sad or mad or something. i wouldnt miss mosquitos either, lol, and i dont think i would mind too much if animals didnt like me, but i hope my cat would like me lol
well i loved the book and keep bloggin!

Tommy Williams said...

Keira--no zits, but my skin isn't what it once was. Now it is a pale gray color.

oOMermaidBubblesOo said...

some girls think thats cute

Anonymous said...

Sweet no zits but i feel bad that you skin has no color

Anonymous said...

Well im with tommy i dont miss zits but it would be nice to have some color in my skin

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't miss mosquitoes either. i also wouldn't miss pins and needles when i sit on my legs (a bad habit of mine) i also also wouldn't miss writing in my blog (because i could probably still do that. =] )

Anonymous said...

i would not miss zits at all but since im so white the pale gray color to the skin would probably actually be some color. lol. and tommy some girls think thats hott ;)

kris said...

ok i agree that i would not miss the zits. and tommy some girls might like the pale gray color of your skin ;) lol

Anonymous said...

Hay im all in for the gray color lol ^.^

Tommy Williams said...

Slydellco. has a line of makeup for zombies who want to look more like the living.

I don't use it, but I do wear Z, his body spray "For the Active Undead Male".


Anonymous said...

Would you wear the makeup tommy? i would not because i think i look good in gray but would you?

Tommy Williams said...

No makeup for Tommy.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't miss shaving, going to the bathroom, getting sick, acne and zits, and I wouldn't miss sleep at all. I'm an insomniac so it wouldn't really make a difference. But there is a lot I would miss.

Anonymous said...

i don't think i would miss the way that it feels when you like... scuff up your knees playing sports, or how you feel when you break your toe(owie =[)but thats just me, i wouldn't wear the make up cause i really dont like wearing makeup. all i wear is eyelinr, sometimes eye shadow but not a lot.... ;]

Anonymous said...

Cool i dont wear it because gray is a cool color

Anonymous said...

Ok i must know what does the body thing smell like? because my friend said that that she was ganna die because it smells bad does it? oh ya i have a new friend his name is james

Anonymous said...

oh and i did not mean to put she my bad ^.^

Anonymous said...

my zombie friend used to hate eating she was really picky i mean food cant touch picky now shes happy she dosent have 2

Anna Banana said...

hmmm i wouldnt miss getting hurt. I walk into walls.....alot. And headaches, they ruin my whole day when I get them

Anonymous said...

I don't mean to be smart can't really know.. certain types of relations anymore, right? like physical relations with other people...of the opposite gender...

I'd miss that.

Anonymous said...


All_Mighty_Odd_One said...

I dont know about other girls but i know i wouldnt miss haveing.... you know.....'femine issuses'..... i also wouldnt miss zitts. but i would miss being able to talk fast, and food.

Anonymous said...

Mosquitoes don't like me, and Im fine with that. I wouldn't miss sunburns, or my legs falling asleep like they are right now. XD

Anonymous said...

i wouldnt miss te pressure of being poular and sporty and perfect i wouldnt miss basicly all the things u said

unheardof . said...

i think that i would miss.....well i currrently have no zits on my face adn i never have so i dont know what tahts like but i think i would miss the taste of food.....

oh and tommy dont worry the color of your skin is just fine....its cute...

unheardof . said...

okay i am very confused tommy i must know are their really zombies in U.S. ?? and if yes are their any in Canada cause if so i would like to meet them....

Anonymous said...

every db person is saying that animals hate them and i love animals and want to be a vet so if i was db i would miss animals.

zombielover said...

I wouldn't miss zits, or mosquitoes or any of the unGodly things that happen to girls. What I would miss would be being around my old trad kid firends and of course eating good healthy food.

Anonymous said...

i would miss having true emotions, and pizza. i really adore pizza so i know i would miss it a lot!

Anonymous said...

I miss sleeping. It was the one thing I had that gave me time to myself. All in all it's really the dreams I miss. Sure, I could daydream but I knew what was happening when I did that. When I was dreaming anything could happen. Now, all I have is time. Too much of it.

Anonymous said...

i don't miss getting sick! i used to have a weak stomach!

Em said...

i wudnt miss getting needles n going 4 a chek-up at the doctor cuz if ur a zombie u dont hav 2 worry bout ur health that much

Anonymous said...

Seiously! whos this person who keeps on trying to be Pheobe?! it bugs me.

Anonymous said...

Taking nasty medicine
Getting hurt
Brain freezes
And if I can't feel pain, my braces

Anonymous said...

Sorry. Sneezing, coughing, brainfreezes, taking nasty medicine, sunburns, braces, ect. ect. was fron Gmoi (Whoopsie)

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with All_Mighty_Odd_One... if you know what I mean... but I also would totally not miss pain (all sorts). I mean, like Tommy, if you get limber after death couldn't you just like be a perfect runner or sportist? No pain whatesoever... physical. then again I would miss love. do you still LIKE girls or can't u even think about that stuff?

Sarai said...

I don't miss being forced to go to Mass. Being dead suits me just fine. Zombie pride!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't miss colds.

But they were a good excuse to get out of classes. :/

Mosquitos sucked too though. No pun intended...

Luna said...

i think taht if i became DB, that i'd miss colds, mosquitoe bites, brain freezes, and everything that i hate now because 'tis something that i feel and as a DB, i wouldn't feel them. I'd miss all feelings, the good and the bad.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't miss the migraines I get. I've always gotten them and they ruin my life. Almost always make me sick.

Anonymous said...

I don't think i'd miss being tired or wasp stings. I can't think of anything else. Except being forced to eat food i hate because i'm vegetarian. That probably seems insensitiv,e but its true.

Anonymous said...


Raven Mockingjay said...

I might miss...gumbo and animals coming up to me and letting me pet them

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't miss surgery. I wouldn't miss the killer (no pun intended) heat down here in Texas.

Anonymous said...

i am wit da zit girl i hate em!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

woooh boy makeup is sooooooo nasty my bo wore some conceler once and he looked like a dork all day cause u could see were it was.

Anonymous said...

hair grows when you're dead ¬_¬

Dana said...

I don't miss being tired. School was terrible when I kept passing out in class. Now, I can stay awake, finish ALL my homework. Less panic in the morning.

Anonymous said...

i hate mosquitoes, shaving, ZITS, having to wake up for school. as a db we dont sleep so were no late for school. i do miss sleeping though dreams are wonderful

Anonymous said...

I would probably miss my crazy emotions, though. A different one every hour. That would suck.
And school. I'm a nerd, I love homework.

follow_the_white_rabbit said...

i wouldn't miss cold toilet seats .

undead_daednu said...

i dont miss mosquitos either. or spiders. or being sick. or pain. or zits seriously. i hated those. i dont miss bleeding. even though blood did taste good...

Chelsie said...

I would not miss getting sick or getting up early (because I wouldn't sleep)

FaerieInCombatBoots said...

I certainly wouldn't miss bug bites, or getting sick. I wouldn't miss my chronic back pain and my migraines. Funny, it's easier to think of the thing I wouldn't miss, than the things I would.

CandyLiesandFools said...

I wouldn't miss........stomach aches >.>

Cissy said...

I wouldn't miss sweating and mosquito bites and pimples.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on mosquitos and with Cissy on pimples. Trad is not fun, but I guess I wouldn't want to be a zombie either.

Anonymous said...

Mosquitos, pimples, and well the time of the month. But I'm a trad, oh well.
