Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lame Joke of the Day

What do you call three zombies in a hot tub?


Anonymous said...

i've been trying to figure it out, but im a tad slow today. what?

Anonymous said...

I dont know i have been thinking about it all day but i cant get it what is it?

Anonymous said...

ummm hmmm...can i have a hint?

Anonymous said...

Dead Water? =P

Anonymous said...

Warm Worm Burgers? :D


Anonymous said...

Warm Worm Burgers? :D


Anonymous said...

No clue...

Anonymous said...

well its definately not holy water

oOMermaidBubblesOo said...

melted corpscicles?

Anonymous said...

umm...idk wat?

Anonymous said...

the ceacher from the black lagoon??

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm i have been thinking what it is all day im going nuts i need to know what it is

Anonymous said...

Wow, no clue. Tommy's left us all in suspense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I dont know hay my friends want to know can you swim? or so you sink or what?

Avelle said...

um...3 zombies in a hot tub are called....
3 zomebies that are swimming im a hot tub?

Tommy Williams said...

I'll give you a hint--I took the joke from an anti-zombie hate site so the answer is really mean.

I told it to Karen though and for some reason she thought it was really funny.

Anonymous said...

if she thinks it funny then i think i would too im a zombie and i cant think of anything

Anonymous said...

Uhhh a blood bath? i dont know

Anonymous said...

A floater? just a guess

Anonymous said...

gawd thats mean...and insulting...

Tommy Williams said...

And the terrible horrible answer is:


For the record, I think I like "Dead in the Water" better.

Anonymous said...

Thats what my friend said it would be i should have said that

Anonymous said...

that's horrible! o my goodness. i never would have guessed. wow. =]

Anonymous said...

Thanks for liking mine tommy. i'm sorry people aren't more accepting of you and all the others...

Anonymous said...

The answer is stew? That hadn't even crossed my mind!

Tommy Williams said...

I did say it was a lame joke

dancing_girl_28843 said...

That's too freaky for words.
I cannot blive some people!!!

Anonymous said...


Camilla Price said...

Lol, I agree with Karen, though it is rather hatefull. I personally love zombies/DB's/Whatever you call'em. I Love'm all!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Stew? Sounds kinda gross.

Anonymous said...

stew...? ok...

Anonymous said...



Tommy Williams said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Lame Joke of the Day":

who would want to eat zombie/db stew???????? Gross

Anonymous said...

i dont get it someone plz explain the answer to me!!!

Em said...

stew?...i dont get it...

Anonymous said...

this is for Zombielover⁢3-

zombies/db= dead meat

hot tub=broth w vegetables and watnot

mix meat and vegetables= stew.

its sorta like a metaphor in a cruel sick way.:( -lida

malia massacre said...

how offensive :O
no just rude
mean lame people on hate sites

edwardandtommylover said...

WOW thats just mean but kinda LAME

Anonymous said...

Ewwww, stew??? thats disgusting, and very insulting...And it doesnt make any sense... I like "dead in the water" better too. Good one!!

P.S. Its pretty literal, too, seeing as we are dead, and we're in water... did I just ruin it??

Anonymous said...

ummmmm...idk I'm not thinking today.

Jet said...

i cant figrue it out. please give the answer?

Anonymous said...

Stew? I don't get it...

Max said...

I just read that... that's weird. I have no clue. I spent 15 minutes trying to figure it out. Oh. "Stew". (I cheated.) Tommy's right. I like dead in the water.

follow_the_white_rabbit said...

Prunie gray raisins?

death_by_books66 said...

thats terrible. . . bad tommy. . . bad. . .

Heather said...

i have tried to figure it out but i have no idea. but im not to good at jokes.

FaerieInCombatBoots said...

I had a feeling it would be something like "soup" or "stew". It reminds me of a really awful dead baby joke I once heard.

CandyLiesandFools said...

>.> stew......really? that is a horrid joke >.> stew.....and gross if you apply it to logic ...yuck

Anonymous said...

Stew??....Wow That Is A Lame Joke.

Cindy ☺

Tyra G. ;p said...

okay? im gonna stop eating stew now just ruined my dinner

Tyra G. ;p said...

umm ok? just ruined my dinner i guess its soup night then

Anonymous said...

Stew? I don't get it. Wtf is wrong with stew??? Hello? Is it just me or is that joke just as lame as a cheerleader dressed as a geek?

Anonymous said...

I don't get it, that joke is really on the lame side, Tommy. Pete said it didn't he?
