Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We Don't Need No Thought Control

Another twenty people--some zombies--have posted on The Wall. Very, very cool.

I think I'm ready for the History test. I've been studying with Phoebe, Margi, and Thornton J. Harrowwood, who prefers for some off reason to be called "Thorny". We usually go to Phoebe's or Margi's, because my mom's trailer isn't big enough and Mr. Harrowwood doesn't allow "corpses" in the house.

Thorny is a pretty competetive guy. He proposed that whoever got the lowest grade on the history test has to buy the others a milkshake at the Honeybee Diary. Margi smacked him, and it took him a minute to realize that I don't drink milkshakes anymore.

I told him he can buy me the new issue of Batman when he loses.


caseydoll said...

batman... sooo much better

Krystal said...

Lego Batman: The Video Game came out yesterday!!
(since you like Batman)
(i prefer spidey for some reason...)

I had a history test today and it was easy, so I'm sure you'll do fine.
(Besides, you actually studied!)

Anonymous said...

i loved the batman movie that came out in theaters. I'm pretty sure you'll do fine on the test, tommy. what are ya'll learning about? i feel so bad for you. you can't have a milkskake anymore!:( i would hate that! i feel you tommy! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo luv,


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Batman....yes. So much better than a milk shake. Loved the movie, hope you do well on the test!

-Head Werewolf

Minx said...

awe, that's a bummer. :( I have a history test 2marrow, I have to lable all of the countries in Africa. :0

RSoxy said...

Bateman is my favotite superhero, even Ironman has nothing on him. your lucky^^

Anonymous said...

is it just me or does everyone have a history test this week... idk i know that i did very good so i am sure u will to ! heres hoping

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, oh Thorny. I have a history test next Friday, and I'm going to make sure that my pets don't have access to my binder.

Taylin said...

just look at the bright side of this... obviously Thorny doesnt see you as a zombie. i mean he is comfortable with you to where he forgets! so take it as a compliment... but i have to agree with pretty much everyone else... batman is better than a milkshake =]

Anonymous said...

yeah, Tommy. Look at what Taylin said...that's a good thing =]

I don't mean to pry, but why exactly can you guys not eat, Tommy??


oOMermaidBubblesOo said...

i just recently failed a history test T.T oh well at least u studied and btw powerpuff girls so kick batman(and spideymans)butt.

Anonymous said...

Haha. Smart choice on the Batman comic.

DanaC. said...

Oh yea Batman is the best. Btw, I know this is off topic...but have you seen that book "Zombie Blondes" by Brian James? Is about some girl that moves to a new school and wants to fit in and she becomes friends with the cheerleading squad only to find out they are zombies? Sounds kinda stupid to me, almost like its trying to hard to be as cool as Generation Dead...but I don't think that's possible...

Anonymous said...

Hey, I love batman when I was little my mom had to go to the boys section at wallmart to buy me batman PJ's and im just woundering what about Adam thats probably a be a sad subject but I have to know?? and Im just woundering how do you guys study( refering to phoebe)Every test I get if I study I fail if I don't I ace it!!

quyensterr said...

i'd take batman over a milkshake any day ;D
[even though a milkshake would be a bonus...>.<]

Anonymous said...

BATMAN ROCKS! If it weren't for my brother than I wouldn't care. Milkshakes taste a bit odd if ya ask me.
Thank goodness for studying. Except if its on a totally boring subject. I'm learning about Roanoke in history and other stuff.
Oh and I think Thorny is a great nickname for Thorton.
Many like batman but I'm all for the characters that are never mentioned. I prefer Death The Kid (he is no superhero. I just love people with OCD and I love anime and Manga)


Anonymous said...

Haha I love batman.
I think its so cool that you actually have a blog and you keep us updated.
How Phoebe been doing?
I hope you're having a great day today.
xoxo emma

Anonymous said...

say sunshine city 5 times fast!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Comics are awesome. I read marvel mostly. Also those graphic novels: V for Vendetta, Watchmen. Do you play any video games? There about as good as comics.

in confidence. said...

batmans always been my favorite, along with the joker.

Anonymous said...

if you could have a milkshake what kind would it be?im a db and i would probably have cookie dough!

Anonymous said...

haha Throny just forgets your a zombie Tommy!isn't that a good thing?I sometimes forget my boyfriend is a zombie but he doesn't care, he just laughs! :)

Anonymous said...

ive always sided with the joker, myself

Anonymous said...

idk tommy, why can't u eat? that karen person can drink

Anonymous said...

Dude, I would have so held out for two issues!

-Melia Sabine

Tommy Williams said...

If I could have a milkshake it would probably be plain old chocolate. Cookie dough? How do you get that junk up the straw?

Yes, Karen does drink and eat and other strange things--although what she really does is "ingest food" not "eat", if that makes sense.

I had some potato chips after I came back, but it just felt kind of weird, so I haven't tried to eat anything since.


Anonymous said...

u should have made him give u the money that a milk shake would cost, so then u can save up or w/e.

Courtt said...

oh wow i love spidey. but batmans cool i wanted to see the movie with keith ledger too bad i didnt.

Anonymous said...

Pink Floyd!!!

Lauren Osgood said...

I drink your milkshake!
I still watch Smosh on youtube.
And Pink Floydd is even better when you're a Zombie.

OceanEyes said...

Haha! Thorny, Thorny, Thorny. What will they do with u? Honeybee dairy sounds great! Kinda like a cinnabun? hmmmmm

Karen DeSonne said...

i like the colors and the way the smell and i think i can taste some of them tommy! its not strange jeez

~Karen DeSonne~

Anonymous said...

I'm a trad but even if I was a zombie, id still go with the milkshake. And I think Edward (sorry, I mean Karen) agrees with me. Any other zombies out there that chose milkshakes?
